June 23, 2010

Modern Coelacanth and Modern Pterosaurs

The following is taken from the web page "The Living Coelacanth."
To be enlightened by the lowly Coelacanth, look not at the anatomy of fishes but at the mentality of humans. . . . Biologists of the 19th Century had no radiometric methods of dating fossils. (In truth, fossils are not dated, even today, by potassium-argon or similar methods. . . .) Did they allow the outward appearances (bony armor and potential leg-evolution) to influence their decision to categorize the Coelacanth fish as an ancient fish? Could the apparent non-existence of living Coelacanths have influenced their judgment? Of course.
The point is that the idea that the fossils of Coelacanths represent fish that lived many millions of years ago is traditional. The belief that this fish is ancient comes through intense indoctrination over many human generations. Now, what is ancient about the Coelacanth? . . . why not consider it a modern fish? It lives now.
. . . For the General Theory of Evolution to be perceived as anything other than a fairy tale, there must be fossils of creatures that are significantly different from living creatures. Every discovery of an organism previously classified, from fossils, as “ancient” eliminates another example of something that fits the standard evolutionary model.
How does a modern Coelacanth relate to a modern pterosaur? Both indicate that what was once thought to be ancient is, in fact, modern. It demonstrates the value of the concept that no organism that ever existed on this earth has existed only in the distant past: There never were any "ancient" creatures on this planet.

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